
No worries! We can all have different opinions. As long as we’re respectful to each other. Didn’t think you overstepped. You were just passionate, which I totally get.

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Jeremy, I love your writing and everything you post on here, but last night's debate needs to prompt an honest conversation about whether or not Biden is still the nominee who is most likely to beat Trump this fall. Yesterday before 9 PM, my answer would've been in the affirmative. Today, it's not.

For months, one of the main reasons for the race being tied was voter concerns about Biden's age. The debate puts that concern front and center, and rightfully so. Voters aren't wrong to worry about age, and if we can agree that Trump's age is a major liability, then why not have someone other than Biden as the nominee? We should be doing everything we can to maximize our chances of winning. If the debate begins that discussion, which it really should, it's only a good thing.

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Brad, I don't think anything in my piece suggests we shouldn't have an honest conversation about Biden. That's the benefit of not being in a cult. We can have open, honest, conversations that are supportive or critical of our dear leaders....and disagree as well. Please. let's all debate!

I'll probably write a longer piece on this soon, but please read this linked article when you can, I agree with every point on here: https://open.substack.com/pub/sethabramson/p/the-extremely-simple-reason-maga?r=28s97t&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web. He goes through many points of why replacing Biden is folly, and much of it are practical concerns, not just Biden cheerleading. And if this doesn't change your mind, that's fine. I respect you and your work, and you and others are allowed to think Biden is not the best choice.

But with all due respect, from one amateur pundit to another (I assume you aren't making 6 figures as a pundit), you don't really know why the polls are tied, or that it's specifically due to Biden's age. The idea that if Biden was younger he'd be 5-10 points up given the same circumstances is not something I agree with. And having concerns about his age is not the same thing as not voting for him. I have concerns about his age. But I still think he's a good man, a good politician, and is perfectly capable of being president another 4 years.

As far as having someone else.....who? and how? Who's the magical candidate that is the obvious choice to beat Trump? Biden polls the best against Trump, he always has. Why even take a risk on someone else who's not nearly as vetted as Biden is? The idea that a smooth transition to a highly popular and charismatic super-candidate who is bound to win is not probable or practical, IMO. It would either have to be party elders choosing, which will viciously divide the party, or a brokered convention, which would also viciously divide the party and do it on national television. If optics are a concern, as we know they are from the debate reaction, I can't imagine this process providing good optics, and much closer to the election, too. The risk of a shitshow meltdown with this scenario is much more of a concern for me than the risk of Biden.

He had a bad night, he was sick and wasn't himself, and had a few moments he couldn't think straight. I had a similar night the other day and I'm much younger than him. It's June. I'm not panicking. Far from it.

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You're right, it was just one bad night, and the contrast with the rally the next day was certainly encouraging. I think there's value in simultaneously 1.) watching the polls for even the slightest movement against Biden 2.) downplaying the debate by saying Biden was sick (which ideally should've been said beforehand) and 3.) seriously considering Harris, the only plausible alternative. I know she has her own liabilities, but she could potentially reset the race, especially with a strong VP pick. The cost of switching candidates isn't negligible, but I think Harris is widely underrated. Just as one example, the split in the party over Gaza that has hurt Biden is much less of a factor for her, and more generally, she can distance herself from unpopular policies while claiming credit for Biden's successes.

I've probably overreacted to the debate compared to most, and my comment on your post was a bit rude, which I apologize for!

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